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The Black Death and COVID

Writer's picture: marcelwesterlundmarcelwesterlund

Updated: Nov 28, 2020

This photo supplied by the Gaylord family taken July 11, 2012, at a hospital in Bend, Ore., shows the blackened hand of Paul Gaylord as he recovers from the bubonic plague, commonly known as the "black death."

(AP Photo/The Gaylord Family)

The Black Death was a devastating global epidemic that struck Europe and Asia in the mid-1300's. How would COVID compare to the genocide caused by the Black death, and what can we expect to come?

There are three pathogenic species of Yersinia.

Yersinia pestis, causing the so called bubonic plague. This is usually transmitted by fleas and is often fatal. The bacteria travels through the lymphatic system, which leads to the nodes in the throat, groin, and under the arms.

It is rare to see humans with this disease but 2017 Madagascar saw more than 2 000 cases during an outbreak. However, a study in the medical journal The Lancet found that only 38 people died. The illness is treated with antibiotics.

Epidemic is an infection rapidly spreading to a large number of people. As you can see COVID is not even approaching an epidemic. It is instead used as a tool for something much more sinister. It is used for the Great Reset, as outlined by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The bubonic plague was truly a pandemic, affecting most of the world, and killing possibly 1/3 of the population. The current COVID infection has killed (mortality rate) less than 0,00016 %. In US doctors report that they are encouraged to sign death certificates with COVID, even f the person has died from cancer or cardio-vascular events. The reason is simple. Insurance companies pay $13000/COVID case but nothing for more common causes of death. During the bubonic plague, mortality was between 30 - 70 %.

Y. pseudotuberculosis, a clone from Y. Pestis (1) and Y. enterocolitica are a food- and water-borne pathogens. There are three types of Y. pestis infections:

All are caused by flea bites transferred by animals and/or body fluids. The bacteria would rapidly spread through the blood to lungs and the lymphatic system. High fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, terrible aches and pains would develop rapidly into gangrene and ultimately death, unless treated.

There are three variants (biovars) of Y. pestis, Antiqua, Medievalis, and Orientalis, (1). Each one corresponding to the three devastating outbreaks of the black plague. Diagnosis is made by finding the bacteria in the blood, sputum, or fluid from lymph nodes, (2).

The first was the Justinian’s plague, 541–767 AD, and is thought to have been imported from from East and Central Africa and subsequently spread through Egypt to the Mediterranean (3).

The second and most deadly wave lasted from 1346 to the early 19th century. This was spread from the Caspian Sea and was spread to the whole of Europe, possibly also through Asia.

In the mid-19th century the third pandemic wave started in the Yunnan region of China. It spread globally via marine shipping from Hong Kong in 1894. The 20 June that year Alexandre Yersin discovered the Y. pestis bacteria in Yunnan, China. Yersin had joined the new Pasteur Institute only 22 years old, 1885, and was a remarkably humble and dedicated scientist

Alexandre Yersin (1863 - 1943)

The high mortality rate of the Justinian plague caused a severe shortage of labor that had a tremendously negative effect. The plague’s high virulence and subsequent strain placed on the empire both militarily and economically, directly resulted in the decline of the Byzantine Empire. Procopius writes:

“At about this time a plague occurred, as result of which all human life was very nearly extinguished. It began with the Egyptians who live in Pelusium. It divided and part went to Alexandria and the rest of Egypt, and part to the people of Palestine, the neighbors of the Egyptians, and from there overran the whole earth.This disease always began from the coast and then moved up to the country inland." (4)

"A bubonic swelling developed, not only where the part of the body under the stomach is also called the “bubon” but also within the armpit, and in some beside the ears and in places on the thighs." (4)

One to seven days after exposure flu-like symptoms develop. Symptoms include fever, headaches, and vomiting. Swollen and painful lymph nodes occur in the area closest to where the bacteria entered the skin. Occasionally, the swollen lymph nodes may break open.

"The plague lasted in Byzantium for four months and was at its peak for about three. At the beginning not many more people died than usual, then the disaster grew greater, and finally the number of dead reached five thousand a day, and then attained ten thousand and even more than this.”(4)

The reason it lasted four months was that at that time rats, animals and humans have died out.

An eyewitness from Procopius reported:

At that time it was not easy to see anyone in Byzantium out of doors; all those who were in health sat at home either tending to the sick or mourning the dead. If one did manage to see a man actually going out, he would be burying one of the dead. All work slackened; craftsmen abandoned all their crafts and every task which any man had in hand.(4)

“People of all ages were struck down indiscriminately, but the heaviest toll was among the young and vigorous and especially among the men...” (4)

If you now consider that we ask whole populations to self-isolate, keep social distance, stay home and watch tele, wear a mask and not attend any groups, you start realising that the world will fall apart. Not due to the sick and dying, but because the healthy individuals are held prisoners for the wrong reason.

Now we will not endure a loss of manpower but a shortage of supplies due to a reduced demand caused by complete lockdowns of industries, and businesses. The politicians are deliberately trying to cull the population by using COVID as the wrong excuse.

The Byzantine Empire lost a major part of their farmers, and hence starvation and famine was triggered. Famine occurred 542, and 545 - 546. Now the same will happen, not because of lack of farmers, but because of a lack of production. Farmers will not produce when businesses are closed. On top tax revenues would decline, further destroying a rapidly devastated economy.

So as you can see COVID is not even comparable to the bubonic plague. Although for the first time in history we now isolate completely healthy individuals, justified by political, not medical reasons. Some countries like Australia, even require isolation in each state, prohibiting free travel for it's citizens.

The medieval black death was far more devastating than COVID. But of course Governments and so called 'experts' will claim that their goal is to avoid a situation like the Black death. Disinformation and manipulation becomes a useful weapon to control the population. Why open a newspaper or listen to a news channel when they all read from the same script? It might be dangerous, because all they have is COVID.

The Black death was a true global killer. It rapidly spread over Europe, and it is estimated that 50 million people died. In one blow Europe lost 25 - 60 % of it's population. It is easy to understand why landowners and the rich suddenly had to start paying their labour a decent wage. This was possibly the reason feudalism came to an end.

During the plague in the mid 14th century, physicians would refuse to see you, and priest and monks would lock themselves up in order to avoid the horrific killer.

In a chronicle compiled at St Mary's Abbey, York, England, the Malmesbury monk, write that; 'over England as a whole a fifth of men, women and children were carried to the grave', (6). Weak and elderly were often spared, but instead the strong and young population died on mass. It is a rare phenomena to see children and strong, young people die from COVID.

Not far from the farm in Sweden where i grew up there is a small forgotten village in the forest, Ingabo. The name could potentially come from the words Inga (female name) and bo (live). It is said that only one person survived in the small farming community during the Black death. Her name was Inga.

It is without a doubt clear that COVID has more or less the same mortality rate as each years influenza. It is unknown how many people that have died 2020 due to lack of cancer treatment, surgery and other more advanced methods following lockdowns. An increasing number of people have also committed suicide in a world where they have felt increasingly alienated, isolated and financially suffocated.

What is clear without a doubt is that the current tyrannical, autocratic and deeply ignorant measures around COVID, will create something worse than the COVID illness itself. It will cause mass exodus from cities, starvation, famine, civil uprising and ultimately war. The virus will decline and cases will be almost extinct by the early 2020. But the imposed sometimes tyrannical measures will possibly continue into 2022. A new world order is coming whether you want it or not. It is the Great reset.

1. Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague, is a recently emerged clone of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Achtman et Al, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Nov 23; 96(24): 14043–14048.

2. World Health Organization (November 2014). "Plague Fact sheet N°267". Archived from the original on 24 April 2015. Retrieved 10 May 2015. 3. Brossollet J, Mollaret H. Pourquoi la peste? Le rat, la puce et le bubon. Paris, France: Gallimard; 1994. [Google Scholar]

4. Procopius, History of the Wars, Secret History, and Buildings, trans. and ed. Averil Cameron (New York: Washington Square Press, inc., 1967), 115- 121, 145. 5. William Rosen, Justinian’s Flea: The First Great Plague and the End of the Roman Empire (New York, Penguin Books, 2007), 208 and 209.

6. The Black Death by Philip Ziegler, illustrated edition (Sutton, 1991).

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