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The ancient Kaimanawa wall in New Zealand

Skribentens bild: marcelwesterlundmarcelwesterlund

Uppdaterat: 21 nov. 2020

Deep into the remote forests, roughly an hours drive from Lake Taupo, is the Kaimanawa wall. Perhaps the official New Zealand want's this amazing structure to be forgotten and hidden away. Few Kiwi's actually know about it's existence, and there is a good reason they haven't been told. There is nothing more dangerous than the truth.

For some reason politicians - and they are surely no experts in ancient structures - consider this topic to be too sensitive to discuss. The Maori's are far more humble and accepting, openly telling that they didn't build it. They themselves arrived to New Zealand, roughly 800 years ago, and are officially considered the first settlers. The issue about first settlers in New Zealand is almost sacrosanct. Unfortunately an open discussion has been forbidden and the lid is officially on. Since the treaty of Waitangi is in place, protecting the Maori's rights, it is hard to understand why New Zealand wouldn't benefit from discovering and revealing structures from ancient history.

In the early 1990s, Barry Brailsford’s published an article in the New Zealand Listener called “Megalith Mystery: Are giant stones in the Kaimanawa Forest Park evidence of an ancient New Zealand culture?". According to the article, the stone wall is at least 2000 years old and was created by the first settlers of New Zealand, the Waitaha, who were subsequently nearly exterminated by the Maoris, who arrived only 800 years ago. Furthermore, Brailsford maintains that the wall could link New Zealand with Egypt, South America, and other ancient civilisations. This certainly didn't go down well with the official view that this was nothing less than a natural creation by mother earth. Purely by chance it looks like a wall with squares, recesses and giant slabs put together.

New Zealand archaeologists and anthropologists, naturally enough, were not anxious to drastically revise their fundamental paradigm assigning the discovery and colonization of New Zealand to the Maori and ordered an investigation to be carried out on the rocks. The conclusion made by the commissioned Geologists was that the wall is an outcrop of a large ignimbrite, a natural formation, created about 330,000 years ago. It is the first time I have seen geologists claim that a wall with squares and recesses could be built by ignimbrite.

When you visit the site and start exploring these incredible stone structure, you start realising why people still believe the earth is flat. Even the most obvious piece of evidence can sometimes not convince people. They believe what they want to believe. Yet, the fact and quite obvious possibility that others where in New Zealand many thousand of years ago, would not in any shape or form threaten the current civilisation. They are dead, but they left an amazing stone structure the Department of Conservation in New Zealand, vehemently refuse to explore. The truth is just to inconvenient.

Fortunately a change came. With permission from Department of Conservations a Geotechnical company scanned the area with Ground Penetrating Radar. They found a perfect regular stone structure 3 m further down.

When you walk around the area, you can not stop thinking that some of the perfectly created recesses and structures, resembles the same shape and form as structures in South-America.

But of course. We must believe the official version because the mind concept of a pre-historical time where people lived and thrived in New Zealand many thousand of years ago seems to ruin beliefs rather than facts. How did it come to that?

In my simple and unorthodox view,, the Kaimanawa wall is possibly 10 - 15 000 years old. It could have been built,by the ancient civilisation of Mu, and some evidence is seen if you go East to Rapa Nui or Easter Island. There you will find the moai looking in silence towards the past. One such statue was of course 'stolen' 1868/69 by HMS Topaze, and Commodore Richard Powell, on Queen Victoria's behalf. She kindly gave it as a gift to the Brittish Museum where it is now on display.

Hoa Hakananaia in room 28 Brittish MuseumRoom 24, as part of the 'Living and Dying' exhibition n Room 24, as part of the 'Living and Dying' exhibition

But we do know that there where people prior to the Maori's. They were the Moriori's. They were extinguished by Maori warriors.

The idea that the Maori's where the first settlers originates from James Cook. That is in itself a contradiction.

Ngapuhi leader David Rankin has said that books by authors such as investigative journalist Ian Wishart and historian Noel Hilliam presented "clear evidence" that some of New Zealand's earliest residents might have arrived before the Polynesians.

He has pointed to numerous Maori oral histories which referred to people being here when the first Maori arrived, including fair-skinned people.

We shouldn't get upset by others having done the same journey as us. Instead we should learn, embrace and accept obvious facts about the human history. To think freely and being inquisitive is sometimes dangerous. After all previous civilisations have risen and fallen, and so will ours.



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